Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A MUST READ! Tim's Drunk and Blogging This!

***This is a blog from Tim. He's a little drunk right now and is rambling on like a madman. I'm sorry if there isn't much organization in this blog but he has the facts down straight for the most part =). And I promised Michael Yang that I'd get Tim to blog while drunk's the final product! Oh, btw, Tim kept falling asleep while writing this and I had to keep waking him up so that probably explains the unorganized writing! ***

we went y[p the zoo just grandm ABND ME

^--after writing this...tim sat here laughing for 2 minutes straight!!

So yesterday, we went to try on my suit and it was amazing. It fit so well beacuse its custom. makde . it only cost 250 dollarst= and includes 2 pants and a top. The butt was too tight for my fat butt. butt the rest of it was niceeeeee.

We went to the zoo just grandma and me. well not really just tina, her mom, and her unlcue. we got feed a freaking elephant and it was awesome. nobody could reach but me. cuz im white.

i was glad that the monkeys did not throw poop at me. but i was sad that the animals had such small cages and seeed so unhappy except the monkey who were crazzzzyyy. the "asian sunbears" as tina described them looked so miserable. one was panting like crazy and the other was pacing back and forth while tinas mom tried to call it. the otters were also sad because they only had 1 ft of water and room to plaaaayyy. we also took pictures with these fake dinosaurs and tina made me take off my shirt.

everyone in the park was laughing at me and my pasty white rolls. i looked like hawaiian sweet rolls

we then went to the mesuem where there was a freaking cute oj cat. it was mean but nice. it meowed and hissed but came closer to let you pet it.

i miss mina. we had to pay to get into the museum but the sign said 2000 for vietnamese and 15000 for foreigners. so i had to use my skilz and talk viet for the 5 mins so i could save $1. I only said "thank you". they believed it. there was also a sign that said no pictures or touching, but tina and i are OG (her words not mine) so we pictured and touched everything. and tinas uncle played a 1000 year old drum infront of the guard. it was fun. there was also a really cool mummy. probably the first real one ive seen. thats all i have to say about that.

later, we went tot the shopping flea market full of knockoffs and bootlegs. a lot of the vendors told tina and i that we look like siblings.

we ate on the street that night and tinas uncle made them clean the chopsticks in the boiling food. cuz it was gross, just a bunch of nasty buckets used for cleaning. we got to spend more ti\me with tinas grandma and she was so happy to see us back from Hanoi. dont stop believing. thats what tina told me when i tried to give up on this blog.

today, we on the street again. and this probably gave tina her dihareeah that lasted all day and put her to sleep for 5 hours. i was alone so i just sat and cried. and thought of ingram. and watched anime on really slow internets.

tonight, we went to a really fancy restaurant where they sat us at a huge table for 12 (we only had 5). its cuz im whjite. they ate snails. gross. then we went to paaarrrtttaaaaayyyyyyy. we wentto karoka that is. it was 7 doll haris for 2 hours. with a freaking amazing room with a personal bathroom and no peee on the song lists. tinas uncle was craaazzzyyy and knew every viet song imaginable. tinas mom kept getting embaraassed every 5 seconds of singing (like mother like daugehter) they made me drink bia if you cannot tell.

im le tired. i dont even feel like showeringg cuz i barly went outside today and my teeth feel reallay clean cause of the alchoahol. gnight.

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